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The super moon's super powers

full super moon's super powers

Tonight's full moon is actually a 'super moon'. Just like super heros, the super moon has its own special powers. Its energies can help bring to light and then wash away all our 'stuff' - all those negative charges, stuck emotions and fears. That's why this is the perfect time for clearing and for growth.

What is a super moon?

It's a super moon when two things happen at the same time: 1) there is a full moon and 2) it's closer to the earth than usual due to its orbit.

On a physical level, this means the moon will look bigger and brighter. But, it's on an energetic level, that its super powers can really be felt.

What are the super moon's super powers?

During every full moon, all our emotions are amplified and exaggerated - the positive and the negative. So if you're feeling good, you will feel really good. The flip side to that is that is feeling a bit off, you will feel really off!

This is multiplied during a super moon, so it's even more important to pay attention to what you're feeling and thinking.

If you allow them to, suppressed feelings will start to surface. All those stuck emotions (the ones you try to push back and deny) will become very apparent. It's a bit like shining the light on your 'shadow side.' But rather than pushing those feelings back down, the full moon gives you the opportunity to acknowledge them, process them and let them go once and for all.

Yoga + full moon = magic

Yoga helps this process even more. It's on the mat that all those repetitive patterns and limiting beliefs are revealed to us.

Pay attention to your thoughts during your practice - are you judging yourself for not being flexible enough, strong enough, or 'good' enough? Do you give up before you trying because you're afraid of failing? Are you constantly comparing yourself to the person in front of you? Pay attention to your inner dialogue.

But also pay attention to your body - where do you feel tight? Where do you need to create more space? Ask your body what is stuck in that place. A lot of emotions get stuck in the hips, the heart space and the lower back. Seek out those places and try to feel what is there and why it's there.

This is your 'stuff'.

Clearing Meditation

The full moon emits pure energy (and super moon gives you an extra dose of that). Soak it in as much as you can.

This is a meditation I often do on the night of a full moon...

Sit in stillness directly under the moon light - outside is ideal, but if it's not possible, sit in front of an open window. Allow your body and your mind to settle. Focus on your breathing.

Once your mind is quiet start to connect to the moon's energy. Feel it all around you. Feel it's soothing, calming energy on your skin. Don't rush. Now allow that energy to penetrate your skin. Invite it it. Drink it in.

Visualise this bright, pure energy flowing through every cell in every part of your body. Really feel it shining brightly into all those dark corners of your body. Pay extra attention to any parts where you know you have some stuck emotions.

Drink it in until you are completely full of this brilliant white light.

Now visualise this pure energy start to radiate outwards - to the front, to the back, above you, beneath you, to the right and to the left. Sit now in this big bubble of pure lunar energy.

Stay here as long as you feel like it and recharge from the inside out. When you're ready slowing bring your awareness back to your body and open your eyes.

And that is how I tap into and use the super moon's super powers :-)

I often do this after a few rounds of moon salutations. Give it a go tonight and let me know how you get on - I would to hear from you :-)

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